Remote Humanities

The Seven-Day Instructor Self-Care Challenge

As an Online Pedagogy Assistant, I spend a lot of time brainstorming with instructors about how they can best support their students during remote learning. But very rarely do instructors mention how they are taking care of themselves. There are resources available...

Self-Care for Academics

We know each of you has had to make significant changes during these extraordinary times, both in your teaching and at home. On another post, we’ve compiled a list of resources available to both you and your students, but here we wanted to highlight some of our...

Teaching during Difficult Times

We know that teaching and learning are impacted by our surroundings and current events. With the global pandemic, political unrest, and tragedy within our community, we and our students are experiencing significant strain and anxiety. In this post, we’ll explore...

Resources for Teaching during Difficult Times

Teaching during a worldwide pandemic, political unrest, and tragedy within our community means learning to better address our students’ needs as well as our own. Below you’ll find a list of websites and resources that provide helpful suggestions on how to...

Ideas for Winter Quarter

Teaching remotely for the first time this winter and feel like your syllabus is missing something? Teaching remotely for the third time and wanting a refresh? Take this quiz to see which creative pedagogy idea might be right for your course! Or, see the options below....

Dominique Bluher: Student-Led Discussions

As autumn courses come to an end and we celebrate another successful quarter of online teaching, we also find ourselves already preparing for the winter. With another remote quarter looming, instructors may wonder how to keep students engaged as we approach the...