Cobb Lecture Hall, exterior view of construction in 1892 (Scanned from VRC 35mm Slide Collection, LUNA: 7278368)
Course Set-Up and Design
Course Set-up for Teaching Remotely helps instructors make sure they have the necessary hardware and software for online teaching (Teaching Remotely website)
Getting Started with Remote Teaching: A Pedagogical Framework in Five Steps offers instructors with a basic pedagogical framework for transitioning to remote teaching (Chicago Center for Teaching Video)
Humanities Division FAQs: Space, Internet, and Equipment for Remote Teaching and Learning offers important information on where to go for assistance with equipment, internet, or space for remote teaching and learning
UChicago Policies to Know Before Online Class Starts
University of Chicago Coronavirus Updates Site provides information on policies on closures, restrictions, and options (UChicago website)
University Academic Calendar provides Winter 2021 and Spring 2021 Quarter dates and required formats since the first week of each Quarter, classes must meet remotely only
University Guidelines for Zoom Class Meeting Security will enable you to conduct secure Zoom classes (ITS Zoom website and video tutorial)
Rules for Recording Online Classes offers guidelines for recording class sessions (Teaching Remotely website)
University of Chicago Remote Teaching Copyright Policy offers the information that the University does not own the copyright of any course materials instructors create (Teaching Remotely website)