Remote Humanities

VRC Office Hours – Tuesdays from 11-12

Beginning Tuesday, August 18, the Visual Resources Center will host drop-in remote office hours on Tuesdays from 11am–12pm CST via Zoom. Join VRC staff Allie Scholten and Bridget Madden to discuss using images in your teaching, presentation platforms (PowerPoint,...

Classroom safe space, data security and privacy?

Could we perhaps talk a bit about privacy and data security issues while using online resources? [I have bolded some key expressions here to allow for quick skimming rather than reading the entire post.] There is (a) the issue that providers like zoom can (and...

Things to do BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the 1st class

Dear All, Below are some tips that can help you prepare, organize and set up your class. Please let me know if you have any additional information/tips that you think may be useful to add to my list. I would love to read/hear them.   Things to do:  Before class...

Grading and Remote Learning Colleagues at ours and other institutions are questioning the humanity of grading during a pandemic situation in a remote learning environment that is new for all of us, and some have...

Rules of Engagement

When I begin working with a new group of students, I have them reflect together and develop a classroom contract, or rules of engagement. The image above is an example from fall quarter. These contracts are useful, because they give me something to refer to when...

midterm evaluation for online teaching

One thing that stood out to me reading the results of the preliminary online survey is that many of my students would like to know if there’s going to be way to communicate the effectiveness of remote teaching at some point in the middle of the quarter. I think...